But-- what-- I don't--

This book is just irritating. It keeps changing its mind and not settling on anything. "One small snowflake/fluttering down--/that's all you need/for a snowman./EXCEPT.../eight million more..." It just gets out of control, all the various things you need for a snowman. It keeps saying that it's simple, and then makes it really complex. It's like, of course you can't build a snowman with a single snowflake. That would just be weird. It would be a snowflake-man. But it keeps listing things, and repeatedly saying "that's all you need" and then "EXCEPT", like "psyche! I just lied to you, flat out!" Either the narrator is an idiot or a compulsive liar. I'm not sure which.
On the plus side, the illustrations are interesting to look at. The children are very charmingly ambiguously racial. It's very colorful.