This baby is better-coordinated than I am.

It's cute. It's written in rhyme, and definitely for younger kids. It's a lift the flap book. There's a mama and a papa and a baby who live on a farm. They put the baby down for a nap and tell him to stay in bed, but he keeps dancing with various animals as the parents are trying to get things done. They keep putting him back to bed, but eventually they just give up and they all dance together, which is cute. At night, everybody goes to sleep, including the baby.
It's pretty realistic in the sense that babies and small children do not like going to sleep when you want them to, but it's silly enough to keep the attention of children. It's cute how the parents eventually accept that the baby doesn't want to go to sleep and decide to enjoy the time together. As a book, though, it's pretty repetitive and would get old quickly. But it is short, so it's got that going for it.