All koala bears look alike. (“That's racist!”)

What. This is a weird book. It feels like it should have a moral, but it absolutely does not. There's no way I can get a moral out of this, but it feels like it's moralizing about something. Maybe it's just a moral I can't see.
There's a bunch of koala bears and for some unknown reason they get mad at each other and stop looking at each other. The wise bear says, "We're going to have a party! It's going to be a masquerade party!" Which of course gives the artist license to draw a bunch of rather stereotypical caricatures. But, hey. And they have lots of fun at the party. And then the wise old bear says, "Take off your costumes!" And since koala bears look alike, they can't recognize each other. And they're like, "Oh no!" So they put their costumes back on and they're happy again. And then they just wear a part of their costumes until they learn to recognize each other without the costumes. And the wise bear says, "More parties!" Maybe the message is, "Parties are awesome"? I don't know. Hard to tell.
It really feels like it's straining to say something about prejudice, or maybe war, but I can't for the life of me figure out what.