Babysitters are a last resort, but not scary.

It's not bad. It's mediocre. It's a little bit judgmental of people who use babysitters.
Mama and Papa get a notice about an important meeting at town hall, but everybody is going to that meeting. That implies that the person they settle on for the babysitter is not very community conscious. The kids start out worried about it because they've had a couple of unpleasant run-ins with the babysitting woman in the past, where one lost a ball in her flower garden and the other accidentally hit her on the head with a kite. But she turns out to be nice. She brings string, cards, and tiddlywinks, and they play games. Then they go to sleep and she tucks them in. That's it.
I'm not really sure what the message is. It seems to have a message, but then loses it.
The best part: The book she reads them to put them to sleep is Bears in the Night, another book I've reviewed. It probably bores them to sleep.