Well, they're creeping, so I guess the title is accurate.

This is a weird book. This posits a universe where anthropomorphic rabbits eat carrots that turn out to be sentient. There's a rabbit named Jasper. There's a field with carrots that apparently are just free for him to take. They don't seem to be owned by anybody, or grown by anybody. The field doesn't seem to belong to anybody. He just goes by takes some pretty much every day. Then he starts seeing carrots following him, but nobody believes him. He sees them in his room at night, and his dad says, "No, there's nothing here. Look, see? It was a bad dream." He sees them following him everywhere, so he somehow gets an excavator (not sure where from) and builds a giant fence around the field so that the carrots can't get out and get him. He even builds a moat with crocodiles. At the end, in a bizarre twist ending, it says the carrots are happy (they're shown jumping for joy and cheering) because the rabbit now can't get into where they are and eat them.
So the rabbit seems paranoid at first, but it turns out that the carrots actually are following him. Why don't they just say, "Dude, we're intelligent. Stop eating us." I mean, really. It even says at one point that the carrots are "breathing." They have faces, they have mouths, they're cheering...
These rabbits are clearly human-like enough that we're supposed to identify with them. And then the book throws this curve ball twist ending out where the carrots are intelligent, too. How do the rabbits not notice this? Or do they notice, and they're just evil? I wouldn't want to eat carrots if they were intelligent. I don't think anybody would. If they're intelligent enough to plan to stalk somebody to scare them into building a fence or whatever and staying away from eating them-- that shows that the carrots have a theory of mind, which is more than the average two-year-old.
The book is drawn in kind of a noir horror style. Everything's in black and white, except the carrots which are orange to just kind of exemplify the "creepiness" of the carrots. It's just bizarre. I'm honestly not sure what this book is trying to say. Maybe it's just trying to be a "scary" book without being a scary book. Like, funny-scary? It's just that the premise falls apart if you think about it for more than five minutes.