I eat my peas with honey, I've done it all my life.

This book just kind of strikes me as mediocre. It's not terrible, but it's not great. It's basically the story of a little pea who is the child of a mama pea and a papa pea, and how he's basically just like a normal little kid who hates to eat what he has for dinner, which is candy, and then he has to eat five pieces of candy so he can have dessert. He eats each piece, hating it, and then gets dessert, which is spinach. Which he loves. And he eats all of it.
It's kind of like the kind of joke a young child would write. It's not very funny, and the whole book is based around it, which is just bizarre. Maybe a young child would find it funny, but I don't. It's not bad, but it's not great. Contrary to the quote on the back by Parenting Magazine, I don't think it will make children eat their vegetables. It might actually make them sympathize with them, which would be the opposite of your intention.