What's the opposite of racism?

This is one of Byrd Baylor's bizarre maudlin nature prose-poem books that goes on forever about how awesome native people are, and how much better it was in ancient times when people worshiped the sun and gave it gifts. It talks about different cultures that either worshiped the sun or performed morning rituals because that's kind of like worshiping the sun.
Byrd Baylor just kind of annoys me. Her books are just full of glorification of and romanticization of ancient cultures, especially Native Americans, in a way that I don't feel is realistic and comes off as sappy and too reverent of people who are no better or worse than we are. While I certainly wouldn't condone saying anything negative about a race or culture as a whole, I think it's kind of silly to say positive things about it as a whole in the same way. I'm not Native American and don't know very many people from that culture, but it just seems like the author is fascinated with the romantic idea of being Native American in a way that is not realistic.