In an octopus's garden, with you.

I'm not really sure what to say. It feels like it's aimed at a very specific audience, namely children who have just had a younger sibling born who has Down syndrome, which is a very small audience. I guess you could give it to a child if you were trying to explain what Down syndrome was. But basically the only thing says is what Down syndrome isn't. It doesn't say what it is.
There's a little girl who's the main character, and she's got a new baby brother, and she talks about all the fun things she can do with her baby brother when he gets older. Then the father finds out that the baby has Down syndrome, and she goes back to the list of things she imagined, trying to figure out which of those things he won't be able to do. "Can he play kickball with me?" "Well, yes, but it might be a little later than other kids." "Can he do X?" "Yes." "Can he do Y?" "Yes." So everything that she wants to do with him, he'll be able to do. One of the things she wants to do with him, oddly, is use a rubber octopus like a stamp to paint with. She's happy that she can do this, and they'll paint it red. And she just goes and sees her little brother, and that's the end. Afterwards, there's questions and answers, things like, "Can you catch Down syndrome?" "Will they always have Down syndrome?" And it talks about chromosomes a little bit, things like that, and other factual stuff. All people with Down syndrome are different, and they have different levels of ability in various things.
I'm not that familiar with the effects of Down syndrome, specifically, so I don't know how accurate this is. It says they're extra flexible, have eyes that slant upwards, small ears, small nose, and grow more slowly than other kids. It basically limits itself to physical differences, except to say that they tend to learn more slowly. It explains that grown-ups are sometimes sad when they hear the baby has Down syndrome because they're worried that they might need to spend extra time at the hospital or have to go back for an operation. I don't think that's the main reason why grown-ups are sad that their baby has Down syndrome.
I think grown-ups are sad when their babies have Down syndrome because of the intellectual disabilities that come with it. Their lives are going to be different in a lot of ways. They're going to have a lot of challenges that neurotypical people don't have. While some adults with Down syndrome are able to live on their own, some of them aren't. People are going to make fun of them. They're going to find it hard to understand the world around them, even as adults. And I think that would be a reason for somebody to legitimately be upset, thinking about the difficulties their child is going to encounter. In their day-to-day life, this child is going to have challenges that the parent did not expect, and envisioning your child struggling is not a positive thing. It's just like if your child had cerebral palsy or if your child were missing a leg. Life is going to be more difficult for them. It's reasonable to be upset by that at first. I hope the hypothetical sad parent is able to move on, but I think that's the root of why grown-ups are sad.
And the book just doesn't talk about the reality of that. Things are more difficult. Especially for the parents, and especially at the beginning. Yes, it's true that you'll be able to play with your brother in every way that was mentioned in the book, but there will be things that he will not be able to do, that you will be able to do. Some of those things will be because he has Down syndrome. That is unfair. And it is possibly politically incorrect, but it is true.
Considering the FACT that over 6,000 babies a year in the United States are born, it DOES happen to be a "relevant" subject. Because it doesn't affect YOU is irrelevant!
I didn't say it was irrelevant
I'm not sure where you got the impression that I didn't think this subject was relevant. I just thought the book wasn't a very useful book on this topic.
The red Octopus
You might not consider relevant this book, but the child with Down will grow up in a neighborhood, he will play with some other children, he will learn in an inclusive classroom. Therefore, he would need to cope with several rejections from: his own family, his neighbors, his school mates, his teachers ans also he will not get a job because Down syndrome will not be relevant for any of these factors. The book is very important for preparing people to change their violent attitude of rejection and at least, to behave normally as much as possible. The book is actually, one of information, targeting young children, I believe older than the age of 4 . At the end of the book there is also some information for children and adults. I think that this book can be useful also for teachers- reading it to the children in a classroom he will start to change a little bit herself. Of course, there is also a question about the child's IQ but I believe that it wasn't this the goal of the book. However, I shall give you a name- Reuven Feuerstein, from Israel, a great psychologist of Romanian origins who did miracles with Down syndrome children.
Are there better books out there?
Again, I did not say the book was not relevant. My problem with this book (and you might notice I didn't give it a "bad" review) is merely that it is much less useful than it could be. If I bought this book, thinking it would help me explain Down Syndrome to my children, and it doesn't help me answer the difficult questions, than what use is it? If a parent buys this book, they are very likely already teaching their children not to "violently reject" people with Down Syndrome. I actually have an aunt and two cousins who are mentally handicapped (although not with Down Syndrome specifically). If there aren't any better books out there to explain this topic to children of this age, there should be. You seem passionate about this topic. Maybe you should write one.
It’s not a disease.
It’s not a disease.
In what way?
I'm not sure what you mean. It seems to fit the Wikipedia definition of disease quite well. "In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted....In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes these may be considered distinguishable categories."
If you are suggesting that it is not communicable, I agree. If you are suggesting that it is instead a different, non-impaired way of being, I respectfully disagree.
Down syndrome is a condition people are born with. Please educate yourself on what a condition is
Celiac disease is a condition people are born with, as well as a disease. It is possible for something to be both. Maybe the term "disorder" is more applicable?
I have removed the offensive language
I have removed the single reference to "disease" that I used in this review. It was there, and I was unaware that it was apparently offensive.
Books is excellent as an introduction to Down syndrome
As a parent with a 4.5 year old with Down syndrome in an inclusive school I find this book fun and excellent first introduction to Down syndrome.
Many people are not familiar with Down syndrome and this is a wonderful easy first introduction.
Understanding, intention, identity, research.
I understand your point of view regarding the criticism of the story as an educational source. I also understand that it is probably intended as a very soft introduction. I storyboarded my own story for my son’s class, as I wanted a different angle.
Here’s what the CDSS states regarding the identity of Down syndrome:
“Down syndrome is not a disease, disorder, defect or medical condition. It is inappropriate and offensive to refer to people with Down syndrome as “afflicted with” or “suffering from” it. Down syndrome itself does not require either treatment or prevention.
The sole characteristic shared by all persons with Down syndrome is the presence of extra genetic material associated with the 21st chromosome. The effects of that extra genetic material vary greatly from individual to individual. Persons with Down syndrome may be predisposed to certain illnesses and medical conditions that are also present in the general population. The presence of extra genetic material does not guarantee their development. Timely and accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of illnesses and conditions improves both length and quality of life; the same as would be expected in the population without Down syndrome. Vigilance on the part of health care practitioners is required to identify and treat any of them if they arise.
Studies show that people with Down syndrome are less likely to develop certain other illnesses and medical conditions. The presence of extra genetic material does not, however, guarantee that they will not develop.”
The latest research finds that the chromosomal abnormality causes an immunodeficiency, as the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome instigates the production of extra proteins in the body, therefor accompanied by chronic fight or flight immune system response (hyper active). This is what can compromise physiological functions but it’s not the same for every individual. Extra protein build up compromises neurological communication. This can go into much further detail.
I think it’s safe to say that in science and education we need to stay open and curious. For now we can say that there are vulnerabilities in the chromosomal abnormality that we can prepare for and monitor for the well being of individuals.
I am a parent that was not sad for birthing a son who had a surprise diagnoses of DS at birth. I am mad towards externally placed injustices. But I celebrate his strengths and intense emotional awareness and empathy. He has an amazing memory. And us very genuine. All the things that make great actors. All humans have their strengths and unique challenges. All parents are vulnerable to witness their children suffering. It looks different in everyone.
Thanks for your review.
I appreciate your feedback
Thank you very much for your thoughtful, thorough response. I have removed the one use of the word "disease" from my review, as I was unaware that it was offensive. Another commenter told me it was inaccurate, which I disagreed with, but if it is offensive I understand and that was certainly not my intention.
I did not mean to imply that all parents of children with Down syndrome are sad. The book mentioned parents being sad and tried to explain why they might be sad. I was simply suggesting a more complete answer to that question. I am thankful that there are people like you in the world who not only take the time to educate those of us who are ignorant, myself included, but have the emotional capacity to handle the injustices you mention. I try to do the former when possible, but I'm not sure I could do the latter.
It is considered a genetic
It is considered a genetic condition. Just like any other chromosomal condition.
As a parent to a child with
As a parent to a child with Down Syndrome who has an older sister who is typical this book is relevant. However I don't feel you gave the book a good review based on the point of it.
The point of this book is for children to understand that their sibling is more alike than different. This book is not for the parents, which is where your review turned. Not the point of the book.
I would ask that you have a parent who has a child with Down Syndrome and an older typical child review the book.
This book is about teaching others, siblings or peers, that Down syndrome is not scary and they are just like everyone else.
You mention that life will be harder for one reason becuase they will be made fun of. The point of this book is to help avoid that. If we teach that being differnt is okay when all children are young, then the bullying and making fun of differences will be much less likely to occur.
I only have 4 review levels.
First off, this book isn't "bad," which I reserve for books that have a bad message, like "Little Black Sambo." Also, this book isn't "poor," which I reserve for books which are badly written. So that means the only other options I have available (obviously, these are a self-imposed limitation, but I'm trying to be consistent) are "meh" and "good." "Good" I try to reserve for books that really pleased me (yes, me, an adult), books that are very well-written, or books that have a very important positive message and express it well.
This blog is my blog, and all reviews are written by me. Feel free to write your own review (which I kind of think you just did) or seek out reviews by others if you want their opinion.
The point of my review is this: Imagine you're told that someone has Nilkafid Complex. "What does that mean?" you ask. I explain that they still have two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a mouth, two legs, and two arms. All that information is basically useless. Nilkafid could mean they have purple skin. It could mean they are allergic to muffins. It could mean that you can't say the word "be" to them, or they explode. It could mean they will die young. It could mean they have an intellectual disability. But you can't teach someone about something without first telling them what it is.
It's easy to tell your child all of the things they will be able to do with a sibling, or friend, with Down Syndrome. It's hard to tell them about the things that they can't do. This book just does the easy part, and doesn't help with the hard part, and that's the part we need the most help with. It's not a "bad" book, it's just "meh."
I realized something today
I think one thing I may have been too harsh on this book about is that it deals with what I call "the easy part" and leaves "the hard part" out. Today I realized that "the easy part", that is, talking about Down Syndrome at all, is still very difficult for many people, and that this book might help them with that. But it's still like a book about where babies come from that just lists a bunch of places they don't come from. And I feel like in the 11 years since it was published, there should be a better book out there. Maybe it doesn't exist, but it should.