Jan Berenstain

Papa Bear is a hypocrite.

There's a "Do as I say, not as I do" thing happening here. It's not bad. It still definitely teaches good rules for the beach.


Be careful when you're at the beach.

Papa Bear fails in the snow.

Another inane older Berenstain Bear book where Papa tries to teach Small Bear things and just fails miserably at everything.


Be careful in the winter.

Unrealistic story, unrealistic expectations.

What. This makes no sense. Nobody acts like this. This is ridiculous. They're trying to get a message across, but they're doing it by depicting an unrealistic scenario.


Be nice to your loved ones.

The authors didn't care enough to write a story.

It feels like it should go somewhere as a story, but it doesn't. There's no story here. It's just a framing device for a lecture.


Wash your hands, or you'll still be sick.

Hijinks stereotypically ensue.

We're supposed to get into trouble! Let's get into some super-stereotypical trouble right now!


Go to sleep at a sleepover? Sleepovers are exhausting for parents?

Skip this one and stay home.

It kind of sucks that Mama still has to be in charge of a lot of things even though it's supposed to be her night off.


Give your mom a break every once in a while.

You can never have too many pets.

Kids probably shouldn't just randomly take home animals that they find in a pond, whether or not they're kittens. They might have rabies, or something worse.


Kittens make good pets.

More boring than a real aquarium.

These kids are just a frigging pain. They just will not shut up about the stupid dolphins and whale.


The only interesting things that live underwater are dolphins and whales.

All pets are equal, but some are more equal than others.

If I didn't know better, I would think they were intending to write something about the "entitlement generation." Because, seriously, that's what this turns out to be. "I can't decide who is the best! Everybody gets a prize!"


You can never have too many pets. All pets are awesome.