Mixture of accurate information and inaccurate.

Not bad for a Berenstain Bears book. Papa Bear is a stereotypical male, and he doesn't go to the doctor, because he-- achoo-- never gets sick. The cubs are going in for a checkup. They both have to get shots, because, why not. And it turns out Papa is sick. Ha ha.
The way that the doctor makes the shot seem not as bad to Sister is by calling all of the other cubs in from the waiting room to watch her get a shot, kind of intimidating or embarrassing her into not being scared. I think most children would just be more upset. At least it's good in that it explains, briefly, what a shot is for: it keeps you from getting sick. So that's good. The doctor prescribes Papa some medicine for his cold, which is not a thing that exists. There is no medicine that gets prescribed for colds. They're viruses, not bacteria. But, hey. So not bad, not great.
The best part: "She tested their hearing by whispering very softly." Somehow I don't think that would work as well as a machine.
What I hated most about this book
What I hated most was the fact that Papa Bear, for the sake of narrative, had to turn out to actually be sick and have it not be just allergies.
You see, I get hay fever every spring and while I do get itchy eyes and sneeze a lot, I'm still as perky and active as ever and don't want to rest or be treated as an invalid.
Yet, it seems like in kiddie stories, sneezing = sick, even if it's in the middle of spring.
Great point.
That's a really good point. I wonder how many children's books there are involving characters with allergies.