Baby. Seriously. Stop beeping.

I guess it's for a little, little, kid. But it is boring. So boring. It doesn't have very many words, but they're very repetitive. The first part is: "The baby goes beep. The baby goes beep beep. The baby goes beep beep beep beep." And then the baby starts making other noises, in the same repetitive sentence structure. It's very boring.
The artwork is okay. I'm not that impressed by it. The baby's not really doing a lot. Clearly there's no story or message here. It's just really repetitive and boring.
That's the kind of thing kids might like. I don't know. But it's certainly not the kind of thing I want to read. This would drive me almost as crazy as Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? I get it. The baby is making noises. And it drives me crazy when my baby really does make repetitive noises. So, hey, I guess it's realistic if nothing else.
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