Leave him alone and he'll come home, drawing a tail behind him.

It's not bad. It's definitely realistic as to the kind of thing a kid would do. I'm not sure it's a good idea to encourage your kid to do this, basically following the rules by the letter rather than the spirit. A kid at the beach draws a lion in the sand and names him Sandy. And then his dad says, "Don't go in the water. And don't leave Sandy. But Sandy needs a tail. So draw a tail for Sandy." And then his dad sits down and reads a book and stops paying attention to him. This kid is maybe like four or five. And of course, given that license, draws the longest tail ever on his lion, and wanders off down the beach, and eventually realizes that he can't see his dad anymore, and has no way to get back. But then he notices that he can follow the tail. So he follows the tail, kind of like Harold and the Purple Crayon trying to get back to reality, but in this case, he literally is somewhere far away from his dad, who is reading a book instead of watching his child.
I mean, I've got nothing against books. Obviously, this is a book, and I read it, and reading is great, but you kinda need to keep an eye on kids, especially in a place as big and dangerous as a beach. So it's very realistic, but I wouldn't want to give kids the wrong idea, that it's okay to wander off at the beach.